Shedding Shadows
Sara Palumbo Sara Palumbo

Shedding Shadows

Happy New Year!

As I step gently into 2025, the personal theme I will be working with is emerging - I will be shedding layers of shadow around worry and anxiety. It seems I will be taking my queues from Snake medicine, fitting as this is the Year of the Snake. I have already done a good deal work around managing anxiety and worry in my life, yet their energy has been potent in the last months. The more space I am giving my worry and anxiety to show me its place of origin, the clearer I can see how it has been a ruling principle in my life. It seems like the time is now to turn my gaze to its origin point, to the seeds.

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Now or Never Moment
Sara Palumbo Sara Palumbo

Now or Never Moment

December Greetings! 

I've been reflecting on my time in China a lot lately. Even though it was twenty-six years ago, I can still tap into the feelings and see my experiences as if I'm paging through a photo album in my mind. It was this time of year that my semester in China was winding down, and - camera in hand - I prepared to take a train across the country to explore. The journey promised to strain my pieced-together ability to communicate in Mandarin and the last bits of money I had saved working full-time the prior semester. That trip marked a time where I had made a new request of myself. There was a "now or never" energy afoot at that time in my life. It was like spirit was asking me to lean into Trust and command Fear to no longer immobilize me or motivate me to hide.

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Grief Speaks
Sara Palumbo Sara Palumbo

Grief Speaks

November Greetings! 

Just a week ago the U.S. experienced an historic election. One that has marked a new beginning for some and what feels like the beginning of the end for many communities. I've been taking time to allow myself to feel all the feelings that are arising, giving them space and breathing room. Sometimes these emotions are all-consuming and at other times only brief visitors.

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October Speaks
Sara Palumbo Sara Palumbo

October Speaks

October Greetings!

It's been such a turbulent month as we entered into hurricane season, marked a year of war in the Middle East, and as we look toward this winter, marking three years of war in the Ukraine. My heart is full for everyone who is suffering, for those who have had their lives taken, and for those who are left without their loved ones and homes.

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The Swing & Sway
Sara Palumbo Sara Palumbo

The Swing & Sway

Late September Greetings!

I'm writing this in the hours before the Pisces Lunar Eclipse and on the eve of a juicy Full Moon. Feelings are fluttering from one side of my personal spectrum to the other. I find myself elated and then diving into deep grief and moving through everything in between. My emotional experience and the strong Pisces presence made me think of the dual symbols often used to demonstrate the properties of this zodiac sign - two fish swimming in opposite directions or two fish swimming into one another, like the ouroboros.

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The Unfragmented Self
Sara Palumbo Sara Palumbo

The Unfragmented Self

August Greetings!

I’m writing to you as we close out the second week of Mercury's retrograde, a time when the planet of communication, sensory information, and curiosity asks us to look back, review, reconsider and revise how we’ve been showing up, what we have been committing to, and how we've been expressing ourselves.

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Rooted & Rising
Sara Palumbo Sara Palumbo

Rooted & Rising

Late July Greetings!

I'm sitting writing this at the fever pitch of summer in Maine, a true experience of opposites for me where the weather invites me to be a lazy shade-dweller, and the summer season's spirit asks me to be active. So I have been doing a bit of both, teetering between rest and contemplation, and stepping out doing activities that have been on my bucket list. Both sides of the pendulum have offered me medicine and new personal insights.

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Living My Way Into It
Sara Palumbo Sara Palumbo

Living My Way Into It

Happy Summer & Full Moon!

Hope you had a beautiful solstice yesterday! I always find the solstice a potent time to reflect on the year behind me and dream about the year ahead. It marks a beautiful center-point for the year. The word solstice comes from the Latin words “sol” (sun) and “stitium” (still or stopped) - so 'the Sun stands still'. This space created by the solstice coupled to the power of today's full moon, presents a potent time to offer yourself space to unwind and release. I'm asking myself what has reached completion for me and is now ready to end its lifecycle. It's a perfect opportunity to pause, take note, and begin purging- all supported by the heavens and divine time.

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Notes On An Eclipse
Sara Palumbo Sara Palumbo

Notes On An Eclipse

April Greetings!

I feel like I just emerged from a cocoon this past weekend. We finally had some sun-filled days after two spring snow storms. The landscape has been manically shifting from sprouting green grass to snow-covered mounds, as the weather flails from rain to sun, wind, sleet and snow, and back to sunny spring. The wild swings in the environment created fluctuations inside as well, and the intense energy from the solar eclipse amplified all of these swift elemental shifts. I found my body confused by the polarizing weather and my psyche immersed in the astrology of the solar eclipse. This eclipse marks the start of a new nineteen year chapter, exciting and overwhelming all at the same time. With all of this afoot, I forgot about the actual astronomical event that I was going to be able to witness.

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A Dance of Opposites
Sara Palumbo Sara Palumbo

A Dance of Opposites

March Greetings!

It's hard to believe that the spring equinox is only seven days away! As we entered this month, I became attuned to how March is a fascinating in-between time for me, especially living in Maine. It's a time when I can feel the excited rumblings of growth, of rebirth under the earths surface, and at the same time experience the personal sadness of the snow that has melted (I just uncovered the last patch of icy snow when I was raking the other day). The winter months hold me so deeply in the climate I live in. The deeper I’ve allowed myself to be held in the dark and in the snow, the more excitement I have for the sun and heat. This March time is an interesting dance of opposites.

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Home is Where I Am
Sara Palumbo Sara Palumbo

Home is Where I Am

February Greetings!

I headed down to NYC last weekend to meet up with Jason after his work week. A couple of years ago I would have wrote that I headed home, but so much has shifted around my sense of home. On the flight down something clicked inside me. I suddenly had access to a full body awareness that I am my home, that wherever I am is home. I know it might sound elementary. I’ve talked about the concept for years now, and intellectually I knew it to be true. Something about the alchemy of that moment in time made it real for me. I finally owned and believed it.

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The Strength in Slowing Down
Sara Palumbo Sara Palumbo

The Strength in Slowing Down

Happy 2024! I'm filled with immense gratitude for you and to be with you on this life's journey! I hope that this new year is meeting you gracefully and with love.

The new calendar year was ushered in by much fog and rain in my neck of the woods. It felt like one long, moody expanse of days leading to New Year's Eve. An interesting end to an intense year. I spent time gazing out into the woods last week. The forest embodied a potent sense of outward stillness. Such a juxtaposition to the severe wind storm that ravaged the trees a few weeks prior. I wondered what conversations and communications were being had between all the trees, plants, and animal life out there. Some sleeping, some naked of leaves, some decomposing, and some seeds incubating in the earth. Instead of journeying to their spirits, I decided to just be among them, letting the wonder and awe of their stillness be the medicine.

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Giving the Present a Chance
Sara Palumbo Sara Palumbo

Giving the Present a Chance

December Greetings! I hope this new month is treating you gently!

This time of year can often feel bittersweet for me. Anticipation of all that I see on the horizon in the new year gets coupled with a personal review what has been, and creates an internal environment filled with emotional energy in motion. This time evokes and illuminates different parts of myself and patterns that might not typically come to the surface. I'm finding it a potent time as I become more and more conscious in my life and am making peace with a lot of my shadows.

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A Higher Love
Sara Palumbo Sara Palumbo

A Higher Love

I hope that November is treating you gently as we find ourselves in such activated and turbulent times. I continue to be humbled as I witness and internally process the war, murder, abuse of power and greed that are erupting locally and globally. At times, this witnessing has challenged my sense of faith, trust, and hope. These times have necessitated that I dwell in and act out of new and unpracticed places within me. Places of unwavering compassion and witnessing without judgement. These times have required me to transform my typical reflexes that are well-practiced and have their roots in old and antiquated patterns.

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The Journey to Ancestorhood
Sara Palumbo Sara Palumbo

The Journey to Ancestorhood

Happy Autumn ~ I hope that this new season has met you exactly where you needed it to!

I always feel moved and energized by this time of year in the Northern Hemisphere. The softening light, cool evenings, and shifting landscape create a renewed sense of magic and mystery. This time deepens the connection to my ancestors as I watch the leaves begin to change color. They prepare to release from the branches that grew them and drift to the ground to support the next generation, offering cover for the long winter to the flower beds that bloom in spring and shine through the summer.

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Still Processing
Sara Palumbo Sara Palumbo

Still Processing

I entered into September with a tender heart. With last month bookended by two full moons, brimming with emotions and deep curiosity, I felt spent as I reached this month’s doorstep. Over the last two weeks I found myself reflecting on all my own very personal changes and the global devastation that has been present in the news, changes that felt quite sudden and weather events that have caused immense loss.

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Romancing the Self
Sara Palumbo Sara Palumbo

Romancing the Self

August Greetings!

It's hard to believe that we are nearing the end of the summer. This has been a big season for me!

Over the last six years I took a break from traveling by plane and began exploring other realms and places through meditation and mediumship. I felt invigorated when I arrived in Italy a few weeks ago. I landed in the same place that I had my first international experience decades ago. The land immediately activated the indescribable cellular romance and inspiration that only the Florence vibration evokes within me. It brought me to tears. I started to feel lighter, creative ideas began to flow with ease, and I had access to a sense of freedom that I haven't felt in years.

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Rocking Steady
Sara Palumbo Sara Palumbo

Rocking Steady

Happy July!

It felt like no coincidence that Crab Spider arrived in our house as we shifted into Cancer season last month. When I pointed the first visitor out to Jason, he told me Crab Spiders are distinct in the spider kingdom with their legs set at a forward angle that enables them not only to skitter forward and back but to scuttle side to side - just like a crab!

These unique spiders would show themselves to me on different walls and on the ceiling at different points of the day, and one even sidestepped its way across the living room floor one night like a dancer. Their presence in our house held the symbol of this astrological season, the Crab, firmly in my mind. These omnipresent, 8-legged friends cued me to lean into Crab medicine and reminded me of the power in being able to move sideways.

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A Reimagining
Sara Palumbo Sara Palumbo

A Reimagining

Greetings to you and to June!

The approach to this month felt like coming down a slow and narrow corridor leading toward a rebirth. It was a time filled with lessons on love, acceptance, and second-chances. After Max's passing, I felt emotionally bombarded with grief around not just his death but the unexpected opening of old wounds related to motherhood, belonging, and worthiness. By the time June arrived, I found myself not quite ready to be birthed back into the world. I needed to find a space for continued gestation, to mature in the lessons that barreled into my awareness during the eclipses and happenings of April and May. This past weekend I decided to give myself permission to take a pause and continue to develop.

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The Time is Now
Sara Palumbo Sara Palumbo

The Time is Now

January held unusually dense energy as many new astrological placements swirled through the heavens. In this heavy time, as the planet Mars was stationing from his retrograde, I found myself processing a lot of personal and collective anger. As these feelings washed over me, it was difficult to believe that better times for the collective would be on the horizon.

So I turned to the compassionate spirit world for guidance. One of my guides began to greet me on my evening walks with Max. He would glide into my awareness ever so quickly and then disappear. These brief encounters piqued my curiosity, and I knew it was time to turn to him and sink into his medicine. He spoke to me about the path to eldership and let me know that my way forward lies in learning to transmute my judgment into curiosity. His lessons were painful, and he asked me to start releasing the toxins that judgement has stored in my body.

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