The Unfragmented Self


"I'm flyin' on my own,

no one can hold me back.

Have been afraid but now I'm ready to be

fearless and free.”

–LP Giobbi

August Greetings!

I’m writing to you as we close out the second week of Mercury's retrograde, a time when the planet of communication, sensory information, and curiosity asks us to look back, review, reconsider and revise how we’ve been showing up, what we have been committing to, and how we've been expressing ourselves.

Some astrologers say that Mercury retrograde is a time when old friends reach out. Some say it's a time when ghosts appear from our past. This go-round with Mercury, I don’t feel haunted. I feel visited by old loves. All the changes that have manifested for me recently have me reaching for things that remind me of where I’ve come from. It should come as no surprise to me that I found my old flute when we moved last month. I thought she had been lost, but there she was, packed away in my memory box. When I opened her case, the pencil and cleaning cloth were right where I left them all those years ago. It was like looking at a time capsule, and as I reached in, it was like touching back in time, like physically touching past memories.

My flute is now calling out and asking me to tune and clean her up, just like some parts of me are calling out and asking for some attention. Some soul parts are asking that their positive energy shine through now and offer my overall system a new way of remembering my past. And others need to start unwinding their burdens. On Sunday, in an effort to start to let the light in and also hold and comfort a soul part of mine that needs some support, I played Cyndi Lauper. I haven't listened to her in years. She was my first vinyl album and my first concert. Listening to the familiar songs was like being wrapped in the most comfortable blanket.

As I listened to Cyndi, I became overwhelmingly grateful for my parents' commitment to exposing me to a diverse breadth of music growing up. From John Coltrane to the Beatles to Gato Barbieri and Joni Mitchell, our house was filled with character. They gave me one of the greatest gifts - the friendship of music. Over the years music has been a constant in my life, never letting me down and always meeting me where I needed to be met. It is both an instant reminder of the special memories, like road trips my mom and I used to take, and also a reminder of times where the music still feels too painful to revisit.

All this music! All these memories and my precious soul parts! What cool, dear old friends to be reconnected with this month! I'm grateful to Mercury for giving me some space to remember and reminisce without the painful sense of sentimentality that always seems to accompany it. What are you being shown this month? Is Mercury talking to you? Are there some old friends that you want to reconnect with? Maybe there's an old album you can spin to start to remember. I'd love to hear from you! Drop me an email!

Much love to you and your spirit,


Read My Article on Soul Retrieval

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