Living My Way Into It


"She is a woman

who has learned

to spin straw into gold,

pull medicine from venom,

and trim her lamp

till no ill will

can cause her steady light to waver.”

–Christine Irving

Happy Summer & Full Moon!

Hope you had a beautiful solstice yesterday! I always find the solstice a potent time to reflect on the year behind me and dream about the year ahead. It marks a beautiful center-point for the year. The word solstice comes from the Latin words “sol” (sun) and “stitium” (still or stopped) - so 'the Sun stands still'. This space created by the solstice coupled to the power of today's full moon, presents a potent time to offer yourself space to unwind and release. I'm asking myself what has reached completion for me and is now ready to end its lifecycle. It's a perfect opportunity to pause, take note, and begin purging- all supported by the heavens and divine time.

In my reflective time this week, I was reminded how rich and powerful the past six months have been, filled with many personal lessons in self-worth, self-image, and health. I was asked to undertake significant lifestyle changes that have been brewing in the background for some time. As I took on these conscious shifts, I started to receive clarity on what I have been choosing to embody and what I have been personally devoted to. It was clear to me that many of my personal devotions have not been in my highest good, that I was still embodying habits that were feeding outdated inner dialogues and keeping toxic patterns in place.

It felt like the work I did this winter culminated last month. I was fortunate to spend some extended time in Italy. Even though it's been a whirlwind since returning, I still feel the inner centeredness that I found while away. It was a beautiful time to recuperate and begin aligning my living with my core values. There's a deep passion for living that runs through the veins of Italy. And I mean living, not having a life. The value that is placed on personal and family time, rest, and actually savoring the experience of living is what my system needed to experience. It felt revolutionary even though I have spent a lot of time in Italy, and the concept has intellectually registered before. The indescribable passion that pours out of what feels like a bottomless well there freely filled my cup. I'm so grateful for what this sense of fullness is asking of me to unwind and what it is asking of me to choose.

How is this beginning of summer landing for you? What would it look like and feel like to get even more interested in living? What would living require you to unwind? I'd love to hear from you! Drop me an email!

Much love to you and your spirit,


Full the full blog post-


Rooted & Rising


Notes On An Eclipse