October Speaks


“First to come,

last to leave.

Its presence brings life.

Turn away from anything taking away

from your breath.




This process designed for clarity,

for healing.

Taken seriously,

miracles become heavy,

held in place.


-Emily Christenson

October Greetings!

It's been such a turbulent month as we entered into hurricane season, marked a year of war in the Middle East, and as we look toward this winter, marking three years of war in the Ukraine. My heart is full for everyone who is suffering, for those who have had their lives taken, and for those who are left without their loved ones and homes.

As I work with autumn's medicine, my gaze naturally turns to my vibrant ancient ancestors for lessons and teachings. When I approached my ancestors recently, I came with much angst, upset, and confusion about war, about the incomprehensible desire of some to erase basic human rights, and about the rampant destruction that is present. I came with questions about how to reconcile the deep dissonance I felt. They asked me to take my seat and pause. They asked me to continue to find where my personal sense of war resides within me, noticing how I exile myself and others, and can cause my own sense of destruction and violent weather. They showed me how it is time to reacquaint and reignite the energy of my personal values. They asked me to be mindful of each step I take and allow my values to guide me forward.

Most importantly my vibrant ancient ancestors demonstrated how some humans that I share space with in the collective are dreaming big dreams of injustice and war. They showed me how critical it is that I have high vibration dreams for our collective. I was asked to get loud in my own way about my dreams. I was instructed to meet the vibrations of war and injustice with the same vigor of those who are thriving in the current political and financial culture. And so here I go.

How has the spirit of October been speaking with you? Will you join me in getting interested in how we can dream our dream with greater vigor than ever before, knowing that getting loud and clear on our dreams will come differently to each of us, arriving at different pitches and with different action? I'd love to hear from you! Drop me an email!

Much love to you and your spirit,


Link to the full post-


Grief Speaks


The Swing & Sway