Now or Never Moment


“Today I turn toward living

What else is there to do

The skies are grey

But I am not

Except for the seasoned evidence

Of a full life, well lived

Engagement with passion

And suffering


Both reached for and stumbled upon

Taking us there

The depths that only life's wisdom

Can help us find”

-Katje Wagner

December Greetings!

I've been reflecting on my time in China a lot lately. Even though it was twenty-six years ago, I can still tap into the feelings and see my experiences as if I'm paging through a photo album in my mind. It was this time of year that my semester in China was winding down, and - camera in hand - I prepared to take a train across the country to explore. The journey promised to strain my pieced-together ability to communicate in Mandarin and the last bits of money I had saved working full-time the prior semester. That trip marked a time where I had made a new request of myself. There was a "now or never" energy afoot at that time in my life. It was like spirit was asking me to lean into Trust and command Fear to no longer immobilize me or motivate me to hide.

I feel similarly now as I've been musing and meditating on the times we are in. What is needed of me now, and what is true for me? Isn't it a "now or never" time right now? After the U.S. election last month, my guides asked me to get really clear on what energy I wanted to bask in, saturate myself in, and radiate back out to the world. I had to make a similar request to myself, like I did those twenty-six years ago - challenging myself to evolve and to grow no matter how confusing or frightening it was at first.

Many famous quotes state in one form or another that growth starts at the edge of yourself, at the ends of where you find comfort. Tension is needed to evolve. We have that discomfort, that tension present in our culture and in the political climate right now. Our collective destination is still unknown. Isn't it always unknown, though? My work right now is to get clearer and clearer on how I want to be and what I want to reflect on this collective journey. I need to ready myself for the unknown and ready myself to be loud for those who can't use their voice right now.

How is this time of year and this time in our history landing for you? What opportunities are presenting as "now or never" moments in your life? I'd love to hear from you! Drop me an email!

Much love to you and your spirit,


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Shedding Shadows


Grief Speaks