Heard It In A Past Life

- New Wings -

"Let me help you wake you up
Let me help you break you up
Let me help you open up”

∼Maggie Rogers & Eric Frederic

Max and I often journey through a neighbor's field on our afternoon walks. It's a great opportunity for exercising his nose and exercising my balance as I never quite know when that crunchy layer of snow is going to give way under my foot and turn into soft, hollow snow. As I move across the partially frozen field, I have to really tune into the moment to anticipate how my feet are going to be received by the ice and snow. Yet, the sound of the crunching snow as my ice cleats hit the surface of the ground often propels my awareness and memory back to the energy of another time, something distinct from my experience and memories in this body. This might sound crazy, but it isn't a rare occurrence for me. I've learned to ask- "Is this ancestral?" And then ask "Is this the energy of a past life?" And sometimes the answer is - "Both." I have seen through my own personal shamanic healing and through working with shamanic clients, that we can have a previous incarnation along an ancestral line. I have experienced how those energies can become tangled, perhaps even confused and amplified.

These experiences leave me in awe of the power of sound and the potency of embracing time as non-linear. These experiences of tapping into other incarnations show me the power lines of energy that can reach out from the past to influence the present and in some ways serve as a map into the future. Though it is not always a map that I want to follow, or that is in my best and highest good in this life. There are times when these power cords of energy from the past can feel set and make existence seem finite, as if there's no choice to step out of them. And yet when we notice that an energy field is present, this can be the first step in healing, of seeing in a new way.

As I sense into the energy of the time we are in, I am invited to make space to notice what is taking up real estate in my life and in my body that just doesn't make sense anymore. To notice what is complete, what is ready to be laid to rest and removed. And to notice what is just beginning, now, today, in this moment. Sometimes old storylines take up our space, energies from other times that are not empowering, that I no longer want to dictate my present and lead me into my future. So I continue to notice, experiencing what sounds, smells and images will shine a light on those things that no longer serve me.

What are you noticing this week? Have you been feeling ties to the past that no longer serve you? Need some support? I'd love to hear from you! Drop me an email.

Much love to you and your spirit,


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