The You in Evolution

Wednesday marked a powerful new moon in Pisces. I took some time to sense into Pisces and saw images of connectedness, empathy, compassion and intuition. This particular new moon was deeply aligned with Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system with a magnetic field around 14 times stronger than the magnetic field found on Earth. Jupiter asks for expansion, expanding what we are planting through our actions, words and thoughts. As I sit witnessing our neighbors in the Ukraine being invaded by Russia and in return birthing more refugees to the world, the continued impact of Covid-19, radical political discord, and increasingly open acts racial injustice, I am left to question: what I am doing in this material world and what are my thoughts generating?

This intense energy from the heavens asks me for a new form of thoughtfulness and a new way of being conscious. We have been and are continuing to witness history that is uprooting very old beliefs and structures, unresolved ancestry and secrets in our lives and in the collective. As I sit with the energy of this week, I'm left with an image from a past journey -

The Three Norns, Urda (representing the Past- What Was), Verdandi (representing the Present - What Is) and Skuld (representing the Future - Who cuts the Threads of Life), called me to the lower world. They stood before me as physical manifestations of the Past, Present and Future and asked me to choose between them, to choose past, present or future.

I didn't answer the Three Norns when they appeared to me weeks ago. I sunk into my heart and sat with the question. Yesterday I was asked - How can we be agents of conscious evolution? How can our everyday lives and living be agents of conscious evolution? And in this journey my answer to the Norn's question. I want my life and living to be a reconciliation of the past so I can actually be and feel in the present and in return create the foundation for a new future. I know this requires new ways of being and operating. It requires new language and tools. It requires new vision. I don't know what it will look like. I just know that now is the time to declare new consciously vibrant intentions and breathe them to the heavens to find support in the expansion and evolution we want to see in the world.

What are you noticing? What seeds are you planting in this new moon? Is a new way calling you? I'd love to hear from you! Drop me an email.

Much love to you and your spirit,


Read the Full Post Here-


Being on Purpose


Heard It In A Past Life