The Call Home
“Be melting snow. Wash yourself of yourself.”
― Rumi
Materials- wool, leather cording, found stick, African porcupine quills.
The wind spirits are certainly with us! It felt and sounded like the Ancients were arriving last Friday evening. I heard voices from the Tree People as they shook and swayed, voices that I've never heard before. I was in awe that these voices were sharing space and time with me. The woods were alive with sound and dance. It was simultaneously invigorating and humbling. That evening asked me to become fully present to Great Spirit and to the Great Turning we are now a part of.
I'm still in the discovery process of what this time in our history is asking of me. I ask my guides to support me in deeply tuning into what I'm seeing now and appreciating that this is something that my internal system has never seen before. In return my guides have asked me to become more and more one with the Earth. They have been asking me to make significant changes in the way I live and consume. My guides have been inviting me to come more and more into my body, owning my shape and form. They have been asking me to notice and rest into my natural and authentic rhythm. Through each of these steps, through these requests of my Guides that I re-wild myself, I have come to a place of acceptance for my humanness, for being human, for being an earthling. And so in my own way I give myself to the earth again, and then again, seeing that in each giving over new lessons are there to be learned.
Artist: Paweł Jońca
What is this time showing you? What have the winds been teaching you? I'd love to hear from you! Drop me an email.
Much love to you and your spirit,
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