Floating On
“If you don't become the ocean you'll be seasick everyday."
-Leonard Cohen
Materials- wool, found sticks, leather cording.
The summer season arrived with a bang at our house. Backs thrown out, sleepless nights, old wounds, trauma and patterns were given life again. To say it was confronting would be an understatement. In the heat of it all, I knew that a very old story was revisiting to make a statement. A statement yelled through a bull horn. A statement to show what fits and no longer fits anymore.
As I sat in the swampiness of my predicament I was reminded of a teaching from a spirit guide several months ago around surrender and letting go. I was asked at that time to sit in meditation everyday for many months and let go, give over everything, all thoughts and feelings, that came up during the time of meditation. My guides asked me to allow myself to be stripped away. At the same time they invited me to find a new way to trust. So, I began my meditation of letting go again. The image of floating in a pool of water arose, and I saw myself allowing All to ripple off of me and be surrendered to the water. As I reflected on the experience, I discovered the need to float for a bit, to come to peace with a slow energetic pace and come to peace with the mess of it all. I was shown that in order to float in any body of water - small, large, calm, turbulent- you need to surrender to the flow. It's not easy to surrender and trust, especially when you don't agree with what is happening. And yet it's what is asked for time and time again.
Moving forward is going to require something different from me so that I can be different and act differently in this world. I'm not sure what it will all look like, so I'm slowing down and reminding myself to float.
What have you been noticing? What are you being asked to surrender?
Much love to you and your spirit,
Click the link below to hear my song of the week, read this week’s oracle card and check out my meditation offering!