The art of noticing
Have you seen the photograph series where someone takes a photo at the same time of day in the same place for a full year? The end result is a series of stills that plays out like a grand time-lapse video documenting the smallest of changes and shifts. I feel like I'm in one of those photo series as I take my daily walks with Max. I was never one to walk in our neighborhood on a regular basis until we adopted Max eight months ago. He keeps me on the move and invites in a new way of noticing and being present. I have found myself marveling at the growth of the grass seedlings that a neighbor planted what seems like just yesterday and is now lush green grass. I have watched the geese in the pond raise their goslings. It stopped me in my footsteps on Monday when I saw how big they are getting. A neighbor and I were marveling at the abundance in the chipmunk queendom this year. It is like nothing we have ever experienced. And I laughed to myself while closing the shades in the sunroom the other night as a gray fox pranced down the driveway to what seemed like a fun party that I wasn't invited too.
Nature in my small part of the world feels quite abundant despite all that stands against it. I realize I can now see this abundance because I am choosing to see it. Nature's divine essence is to regenerate and grow again. I have been continually reminded of this during my time in our garden as I find new trees, shrubs and flowers growing that weren't there last year. I also see places where flowers used to bloom that have gone fallow. What I am witnessing asks me to take more and more conscious moments, being with the full lifecycle of all. I choose not to turn my gaze from what is dying and the cause. I choose to be with the endings as well as the beginnings to be in the discomfort and to appreciate my contribution to loss so I can then see how I can feed the abundance.
What have you been noticing? Are you finding abundance in a time where the energy can feel starved?
Much love to you and your spirit,
Click the link below to hear my song of the week, read this week’s oracle card and check out my meditation offering!