Coming Home: Returning to the sacred within



I’m honored to be on this four-month adventure with you!
 The winter in this part of the globe can serve as a time of turning inward, giving yourself space to process and recalibrate. During this season of inner reflection we are gathering to explore your personal origin story with the concept of Home and what it means for you to be At Home within. 
My Intentions for this Learning Series are to -
  • Create a safe and sacred space for everyone to explore this work at their own pace.
  • Hold Brave Space where you can come as you are and be held.
  • Be a sounding board and resource for you.
  • Ignite your connection to the sacred and create space for personal healing.
I have crafted personalized resources to support you. Recorded offerings will be available the Wednesday after each live online session. 
Cheers to our winter together!
  • Part One.

    Sunday, January 29, 2023

    Explore the cultural, familial, and collective definitions of the concept of Home while discovering your origin story of home, and open space to create new conscious definitions and choices.

  • Part Two.

    Sunday, February 26, 2023

    Sink into what it looks like for you to create sacred space within. Explore what it requires of you in terms of personal boundaries, relationships and surrendering.

  • Part Three.

    Sunday, March 26, 2023

    Develop or reconnect with your personal devotional practices that support you as a new sense of sacredness is being birthed in your living.

  • Part Four.

    Sunday, April 30, 2023

    Dive into your personal process of integrating your true relationship with home and the art of noticing the sacred in and within you.

Guided Meditation.

Each month your resource page will have a recorded guided meditation crafted to support you in that specific month’s curiosity.

This is a short grounding meditation offering for those moments when you need support pausing and tuning in.


Listening & Practice offerings


Several podcasts sparked new inner conversation and asked me to explore and try on new points of view as I prepared for our four moths together.  
Why Shamanism Now: The Challenge of Love with Christina Pratt
  • Christina offers interesting insights on the concept of the inner child archetype and the life journey of giving yourself what you need. This is all discussed within the tapestry of the winter season as a time of returning to self, returning home.
Astrology Hub- 4th House: How to Determine Your Ancestral Patterns & Gifts with Astrologer Cayelin Castell
  • Cayelin discussed the fourth house in the astrology wheel which represents one's emotional home and family roots. She emphasizes the idea of honoring your ancestral gifts and tuning into your truth around home and belonging.  
Hidden Brain- Relationships 2.0: When Did Marriage Become So Hard
  • Shankar interviews an historian and psychologist exploring the roots of marriage and union, and offers the idea of how we might begin to look or ask for less in our relationship with others and more from the relationship with ourself. I offer this podcast even if you aren't partnered right now as the themes can be applied to other relationships in our lives and to the relationship we each have with ourself. 
The Ezra Klein Show: Sabbath & the Art of Rest
  • The sentiment of Ezra's interview touches on the themes of the speed in which our society operates and offers that rest isn't just "not working". I want to recognize that this podcast discusses religious content. I offer it as a listen because it challenged my inner conversations around technology, time and productivity. Ezra poses the question of what one's life might look and feel like if a full seventh of our life was lived at a different speed of time. 
A Daily Workout to Tackle Nagging Self-Criticism
  • Laurie interviews a psychology professor and they discuss the idea of our mental homes and how our habits create a specific atmosphere within ourselves. I love the idea offered of exploring the unlearning process and how self-criticism is a habit that establishes pathways in our brains. We have the power to retrain our brains and develop new pathways within us.  

Journeys & Meditation Intentions

These are several journey and meditation intentions that sprouted from my preparations for our time together.  The last two intentions are prompts you can use as we explore the topic of Home. 
Journey to a trusted guide or your spirit council in the upper or lower world, or drop into your safe meditation space in your body and receive your guide’s message from your body. Ask your trusted guide -
  • How can I be a trusted ally to myself?
  • What is my true relationship to the spirit of the winter season?
  • What am I ready to start releasing today to create space for a deeper state of authentic living?
  • What is my true relationship to <fill in the blank>?
  • For a lesson in <fill in the blank>?

Schedule your monthly check-ins Calls.

Your tuition includes monthly phone or zoom check-ins. Complete the form below to get the scheduling process started!