when the story ends

-PORTRAIT OF SELF-  "Be melting snow. Wash yourself of yourself." -Rumi    Materials- wool mounted on canvas: leather remnants, found stones and feathers.


"Be melting snow. Wash yourself of yourself."

Materials- wool mounted on canvas: leather remnants, found stones and feathers.

Crow flew by my eye line on my Sunday walk and said, “Be careful of the stories you tell.” In true Crow fashion he zipped in, spoke the truth, dropped the mic and left. As I sat with his energy and what he shared, I saw it layer on top of the message from Eagle last week perfectly. Eagle said, “You become where you sit.” I know it's very true that I become the stories I tell myself, the stories I allow myself to sit in and walk with. And the stories that others have told me over the years not only influenced my energy body but some became lodged in my physical body.

For most of my life I operated as if these stories, or fragments of stories, these words and sentiment, were actually my story, my personal truth. I suppose some parts of me knew the storyline we were living in was not authentic, and so they found ways to run away from the parts who tried to force the story, the fantasy, to work.

This week I was reminded to slow down, to listen slowly and deliberately, to be slow in my reactions and in how I process the stories I tell myself. A beautiful astrologer, Jessica Lanyadoo, put it into words for me this week. She asked her audience to no longer say, “What will make this go away?”, and instead be with the question “What’s going on here?”

This is the sentiment of Crow’s message. Crow invites us to welcome a new sense of awareness or noticing about the stories we tell ourselves, about their components, the things that make them up, about where they came from and most of all about whether or not they are true.

So I ask- Are the stories you are telling or the storylines you are living within empowering? Whose voice is actually telling these stories? Are they leading you to the path of your highest expression? Is it time for a re-write?

Much love to you and your spirit,


Click the link below to hear my song of the week, read this week’s oracle card and check out my meditation offering!


finding center