Time for a Rewrite?


-New Wings-

“If you're always trying to be normal,

you will never know how amazing you can be.”

– Maya Angelou

Materials: wool, wool nepps, found stick, cotton and gifted pheasant feathers.

For some we are entering the best time of the year. For others this can be the most confronting span on the calendar. The holidays bring up so much emotion and memory, perhaps joyful and maybe filled with grief and frustration. Personally, this time of year can challenge my beliefs around belonging, family and friendship. I’ve been sitting with the spirit of all this polarizing energy and asking what is mine and what isn’t mine. I've been asking what is supporting my healing and opening my awareness, and what bogs me down and does not allow me to access my truth.

As this holiday season approaches, Wolf has appeared in my periphery and asked me to ground into her medicine. She showed me that we are entering a turning point in the year, where the light is the dimmest, a time of the holidays where the concepts of clan-family-tribe can be challenging, comforting, or somewhere in between. That we might feel family-less, warmed by the abundance of family and friends, or again somewhere in between. In our meditations together, Wolf showed me an image of the den, the space where pups are born and kept safe, where they have time to grow into their senses. Wolf asked me if it’s time to return to the den and rewrite my story of family, rewrite my story of tribe, rewrite my story of belonging. And so I'm turning inward to find my personal den within and looking outward to my environment to see what does and doesn't resonate with my truth.

Wolf left me with the image of the den, the pack and also the Lone Wolf. She showed me that if I feel like the Lone Wolf, perhaps I am setting out to create a new tribe, a new pack, a new way. I let those images sink in and started my releasing practice of the negative conditioning around Lone Wolf. Beginning to embrace the boldness and confidence of the Lone Wolf charting a new way, walking towards their own truth, writing their own story. 

Today is a New Moon in Sagittarius, a great time for new beginnings, new starts. An astrology podcast I listened to yesterday reminded me of the image of Artemis (the Goddess of the wilderness, wild animals and birth) roaming the woods with her dogs. Perhaps it's time for a little roaming and noticing what's ready to be rewritten. 

Whenever you find yourself at the doorway of this holiday season I send you love and wish you comfort! Drop me an email. I'd love to hear from you!

Much love to you and your spirit,


Read the Full Post Here-


Finding the Light


Slowing Down to Catch Up