The Sound of Silence



“You might find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible.”

- Deepak Chopra

Materials: wool, leather cording, waxed thread, found sticks, Hen Saddleback, found bark and seaweed float.

Happy New Year! I hope that the year is treating you gently so far! 

This time of year often leaves me feeling like I'm a bit in between, like sitting between the space of start and stop, or stop and start. When a weekly email I receive from Nature Evolutionaries described this time as one of bringing a mixed heart, being pulled to quiet yet in the mix of activity and recovery, it gave words to how I've been feeling. I tend to greet the new year with a mixed heart. It is a time that collectively holds a sense of urgency for new plans and new commitments, yet I find myself incredibly tired. This year I'm owning the need to sink into the in between as I am finally consciously preparing for my journey through the winter months.  

As I began to own my need to slow down, I was greeted by synchronistic signs. The neighborhood Eagle returned to their daily flight past our living room windows to remind of me of the wisdom reached by holding a sense of steadfastness and patience. This Rumi quote passed my screen, "When I am silent, I fall into that place where everything is music." And then Jason put on inspirational Joy Harjo's masterclass, and she reminded me of just how full the act of listening is and how powerful befriending silence can be. After such a busy fall season this is my time to come home to myself and listen. To find home within myself and within the silence. I'm offering a sense of silence to the shoulds, coulds, and woulds, allowing myself a slow start.

If taking pause to explore within is calling you, then I'd love for you to join me for Beginning Journeying on January 15th or for my next four-month shamanic journey circle, Coming Home: Returning to the Sacred Within which kicks off on January 29th! 

Much love to you and your spirit,


Read the Full Post Here-


The Time is Now


Finding the Light